With another new year of opportunity already underway, we’re taking a quick moment to reflect on the incredible work and tremendous growth we were fortunate to be a part of in 2022. Like the prior two years, 2022 had many of its own unique challenges, but thanks to you—our members, partners, and friends—we continue to accelerate forward to drive systems change.
As part of our ongoing strategic work, we had the opportunity to hold a series of interactive sessions throughout the year with our membership, leadership, and partner network, exploring what leaders aspire to for the future of human services. Read key takeaways and insights from some of this inspiring time together in Tracy Wareing Evans’ December 2022 President’s Memo.
Continue below for more reflections on some of the year's highlights showing our ongoing commitment to influence modern approaches to sound policy, build the capacity of public agencies to enable healthy families and communities, and connect leaders to accelerate learning and generate practical solutions together.

We produced publications showcasing the need for policy and practice change:

We shared insights with federal policymakers through policy statements and recommendations including:
A Call to Action urging Congress to provide long-term investments in our nation’s child care system. The principles reflected represent an approach that ensures all states have the tools required to transform and strengthen their early childhood systems.
Recommendations for FNS and Congress to support SNAP-Ed teams in building more equitable and impactful programs. Newly released in 2023, the report builds from focused conversations held throughout 2022 with state leaders.
We shared perspectives from members, partners, and staff through our blog. Check out these 2022 series:

With 2022 allowing for extensive growth to our team, we were able to expand our expertise and impact with new positions focused on everything from process innovation to early childhood programs to new leadership roles including a Chief Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, and Belonging Officer and a Vice President of External Relations. In building our own capacity, we increased our ability to build on-the-ground capacity—a key focus of our Organizational Effectiveness (OE) team which also experienced exponential growth in 2022!
By expanding the OE team, we enhanced the support we provide to human services agencies across the country. Some of this year’s impactful work included:
Organizational Culture and Leadership Development for the Oregon Department of Human Services (DHS) and Mississippi DHS
Organizational Training and Development including Workforce Support for the City of Richmond (VA) Department of Social Services (DSS) and Mississippi DHS
Enhancing Focus of Organizational Effectiveness within Fairfax County (VA) DSS
Building Systems Partnerships with communities in Hillsborough County (FL) and Hawaii
Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, and Belonging for Riverside County (CA) DHS, Larimar County (CO) DHS, and the Colorado Human Services Directors Association
Utilizing the lens of the Human Services Value Curve in Monroe County (NY) and for numerous Community Action Agencies including National Community Action Partnership, National Alliance for Hispanic Health, and Asian and Pacific Islander American Health Forum

The team also worked throughout 2022 to develop a new Learning Management System. Stay tuned in the coming months for the launch of THRIVE!

We also worked to build more capacity for child welfare agencies, alongside the Association of Administrators of the Interstate Compact on the Placement of Children (AAICPC), as we continued to develop, manage, and administer the National Electronic Interstate Compact Enterprise (NEICE), adding our 40th state, Tennessee, in late December. A groundbreaking case and data processing exchange for states, NEICE has transformed the way that participating states conduct and monitor interstate placements of children and has significantly shortened the timelines for placing children safely and securely across state lines.

A brand-new approach in 2022 to building the capacity of human services agencies included the launch of our Digital Benefits Hub. Introduced in partnership with the Digital Benefits Network at the Beeck Center for Social Impact + Innovation at Georgetown University, this platform is a first-of-its-kind, one-stop-shop for practitioners working to improve access to public benefits and services through data, design, and technology. If you missed the launch, you can check it out now to access toolkits, case studies, sample materials, and other resources that inspire what’s possible in benefits delivery.
We also created several new microsites to:

We saw record-breaking attendance at all our in-person conferences in 2022 allowing us to accelerate learning that strengthens the human services sector and co-creates generative solutions!
Conference attendees received links via email to access presentation materials. If you were unable to attend any of the 2022 conferences, content can also be purchased.
There were many other great opportunities to connect throughout 2022:
We launched our second podcast series, Disrupt the Dialogue, featuring powerful conversations with BIPOC leaders in human services who share their personal experiences and insight on the effect race has on them and their careers. Authentic and informative, these are the conversations that leaders of color are having about the office that don’t always feel safe in the office. Catch up on season one on our podcast page or by searching for “Disrupt the Dialogue” on your preferred streaming platform.
We also continued to host webinars throughout the year alongside agency leaders across the country, our strategic industry partners, and more. Catch up here.
We’re looking forward to staying connected in 2023!

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